How to use Joins in AX

Today I will demonstrate you that how to use various type of joins in AX.

Exist Join

static void selectExistsJoin(Args _args)
CarTable carTable;
RentalTable rentalTable;
while select carTable exists join rentalTable
where rentalTable.CarId == carTable.CarId
info(strfmt("CarId %1 has a matching record in rentalTable", CarTable.CarId));

Not Exist Join

static void selectNotExistsJoin(Args _args)
CarTable carTable;
RentalTable rentalTable;
while select carTable notexists join rentalTable
where rentalTable.CarId == carTable.CarId
info(strfmt("CarId %1 does not has a matching record in rentalTable", CarTable.CarId));

Outer Join

static void selectOuterJoin(Args _args)
CarTable carTable;
RentalTable rentalTable;
while select carTable outer join rentalTable
where rentalTable.CarId == carTable.CarId
if (!rentalTable.RecId)
info(strfmt("No rentals for the car with carId %1", carTable.CarId));
info(strfmt("RentalId %1 is a %2 %3", rentalTable.RentalId, carTable.CarBrand, carTable.Model));
