Pre Event in AX

Today I will demonstrate you that how to use Pre Event in AX 2012.

Simple Method

public str formatWholeName(str _firstName, str _lastName)

{return _lastName + ", " + _firstName;

Pre Method

static public void formatWholeNameEhBefore(XppPrePostArgs ppArgs)
str firstName;

firstName = ppArgs.getArg("_firstName");

if ("Dave" == firstName)
ppArgs.setArg("_firstName", "David");
else if ("Bill" == firstName)
ppArgs.setArg("_firstName", "William");

Job To Run That Event

TestClass testClass9;
str formattedWholeName;

testClass9 = new TestClass();

// Run a method that has a pre-method event handler,
// one that starts and ends before the method starts.

formattedWholeName = testClass9.formatWholeName("Dave", "Ahs");

// The Infolog displays the effect of the before-method event handler.

info(strFmt("%1 == the formatted formal name.",formattedWholeName));
